Saturday, December 15, 2007

Giving some oil.

When I drove a long American steam locomotive in my layout, it made some noise as if it needed some oil. I made it upside down.

Oops, a cover is there. I have to unscrew some bolts to take it off. I don't like this kind of tiresome thing!!!! lol....

Anyway, I unscrewed the bolts to open the cover. There is a black gear there. It seems it's only one but looks like a plastic gear, not a metal gear. I gave a tiny bit of oil at it.

Whoah, each wheel could move sideways independently like this. This is perhaps like "independent suspension" for cars? Wonder how spokes work with this.

Tried to pull the wheel to the opposite direction. This is why even long foreign locomotives can turn curves of small radius. Japanese locomotive do not have this kind of wheel set. They are reall fixed, can not move this way at all. That is probably one reasons why Japanese modelers have to give up to make fixed layouts if it's HO scale because not so many Japanese houses have enough big rooms for it.

Hayaokidori website

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